Account Holder | A legal person who is approved as an Account Holder in the Platform. |
Asset | An electronic document, which records the attributes of CO2 Removal from a registered production facility. |
Beneficiary | A legal person who is named as the benefitting party of an Asset Retirement. The Beneficiary is the sole owner of the Attributes represented by the Assets, which are Retired for its benefit. Examples of beneficiaries might include, but are not limited to: companies, public entities, private or public organizations. |
Bundle | A bundle is a collection of at least one Asset and is defined in the registry by the certificate numbers of the first and last Assets in the bundle such that the first and last numbers are inclusive; ie., a bundle, with a starting number of 10 and ending number of 20, represents 11 assets. The registry creates a bundle when at least one Asset is issued to a supplier. New bundles are created whenever a bundle of more than one Asset is split into one or more smaller bundles as a result of transfer or retirement transactions. |
Certificate Id | The certificate Id encodes different properties of the certificates separated with an underscore. See the Certificate Id section for details. |
Credit Type | Credit type indicates an attribute related to certificates such as compliance to regulation or durability. |
Methodology | The Methodology provides procedures to verify the compliance of CO2 Removal activity with the Removal Method. Refer to the Puro General Rules in the [Document library][puro-document-library] for a more detailed description. |
Retirement | The Retirement of an Asset from circulation by realizing its value and making the Beneficiary of the Retirement the sole owner of the CO2 Removal Attributes. |
Supplier | An Account Holder registering a Production Facility capable of CO2 Removal according to the relevant Removal Method specific Methodology. |