Creating a retirement
Following access rights need to be enabled for your API user in the MyPuro Portal to use these endpoints:
Read Transaction
to list and get transactionsCreate Retirement
for creating retirements
See Access management for more details about enabling access to MyPuro resources.
Create Retirement
To create the retirement, take the cerficiate id and account number from previous section and use the POST /mypuro/transactions/retirement
endpoint to create the retirement.
curl -X 'POST' "/transactions/retirement" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Basic $BASIC" \
-H "Idempotency-Key: $IDEMPOTENCY_KEY"
Use the following schema for the request body to create the retirement. In the UAT environment you can use random test data for price information. Use your own email address beneficiaryContactPersonEmail
to receive the notification email about the retirement:
sourceAccountNumber required | string <uuid> The account from where the CORCs will be retired. |
offtakeAgreementId | string Enter the reference number for the offtake agreement if one exists and has been reported to This will help us help ensure that your transaction is properly tracked and aligned with the agreement details. |
required | Array of objects (PostCertificateBundle) Certificate bundles and amounts to retire. |
unitPrice required | string <decimal> ^\d+\.\d{1,2}$ Price per unit. |
currency required | string |
beneficiaryName required | string <= 100 characters The beneficiary entity name. Examples of beneficiaries might include, but are not limited to: companies, public entities, private or public organizations. The name of the beneficiary will be visible in the public Puro Registry. |
beneficiaryLocation required | string <= 100 characters Location where the beneficiary is registered. |
beneficiaryType required | string Enum: "END_CONSUMER" "SUPPLIER" Choose SUPPLIER, if you are a supplier retiring CORCs issued to you on your own behalf. Otherwise, select END_CONSUMER. |
beneficiaryContactPersonEmail required | string <email> \b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z|a-z]... Beneficiary contact person email will receive a summary of the information you have submitted here. |
countryOfConsumption required | string = 2 characters ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. |
usageType required | string Enum: "BUNDLED_WITH_PRODUCT_OR_SERVICE" "DISCLOSURE" "GENERIC_COMPENSATION" "OTHER" "SPECIFIC_ACTIVITY_LIKE_FLIGHTS" "SUPPORT" Usage type refers to the activity the CORCs compensate for. If the list of provided enums doesn't contain usage type relevant to you, choose OTHER. |
consumptionPeriodStartDate required | string <date> Start date of the consumption period. |
consumptionPeriodEndDate required | string <date> End date of the consumption period. |
retirementPurpose required | string <= 1000 characters Enter the retirement purpose e.g. “Retired on behalf of X to offset emissions resulting from activities in 2023”. This information will be visible in our public registry. |
additionalNotes | string or null <= 1000 characters Default: null Additional notes about the transaction. |
{- "sourceAccountNumber": "a14e8d63-9a77-4cf9-8350-bc2fd4b47b7c",
- "offtakeAgreementId": "cl16h6x6h0026brxdt3q7870l",
- "bundles": [
- {
- "certificates": "PURO_PR_CORC50+_IN_278476_2024_854bfa6a-c8f3-49f8-af0d-69eabb57574b_20-1799",
- "amount": 50
], - "unitPrice": "10.12",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "beneficiaryName": "string",
- "beneficiaryLocation": "string",
- "beneficiaryType": "END_CONSUMER",
- "beneficiaryContactPersonEmail": "",
- "countryOfConsumption": "FI",
- "consumptionPeriodStartDate": "2024-01-01",
- "consumptionPeriodEndDate": "2024-01-31",
- "retirementPurpose": "string",
- "additionalNotes": "Assets issued for the production period of 2022-01-01 till 2022-12-31."
List Transactions
To view the retirement transaction, use the GET /mypuro/transactions
curl -X 'GET' "/transactions" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Basic $BASIC"